There are four domains associated with the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, they are Creativity and Action represented by Wands, Emotions and Feelings represented by Cups, Thinking and Communication represented by Swords, and Wealth and the Material realm represented by Pentacles. The ability to influence all four domains and bring them into balance, or to imbalance them, is the pursuit of the Magician. This pursuit mirrors the classical study of alchemy and its promise of untapped wisdom and boundless influence over the Universe itself
The Magician represents our skill, practise and devotion to our endeavours, and the ability to apply what we know. When following the Fool, the Magician is the second card of the Major Arcana, and in those decks which place the Fool at the end of the Major Arcana the Magician takes the first position in the Major Arcana. In both regards their presence at the beginning of the Great Journey laid out in the Major Arcana represents potential and an approaching period of transformation, growth, and renewal. Unlike the Death card this will not fundamentally change who we are, but rather it will reveal our true nature to us, making us realise where our aspirations truly lie.
In the Rider-Waite deck the Magician stands over a field of flowers representing nature’s bounty and the potential abundance that awaits. Enrobed, the Magician holds aloft a white crystal in their right-hand representing purification with their left hand pointed downwards in turn. The word 'right' in Latin is 'ius' from which the word 'Justice' and the concept of righteousness derives, meanwhile the word 'left' in Latin is 'Sinister' from which the concept of malevolence is derived. The symbolism of these hands in this position represents the intent to elevate righteous intent over malevolence. This shouldn’t be taken in the context of contemporary notions of Black Nagic and White Magic but rather in the more traditional context of Cunning Folk or Helpful Magic; the study of Theurgy itself of which Arthur Edward Waite was a practitioner, refers to this simply as Divine Magic
The Magician stands before a table, serving as their altar, it is adorned with the four symbols of the Minor Arcana, a Wand, a Cup, a Sword, and a gold coin with a Pentacle on its face. This altar represents the four domains that the Magician seeks to master in their pursuit. The Magician recognises and emphasises the interconnection of these four domains and the process of converting one into another, for example converting emotions which belong to the Cup into actions which belong to the Wand, or perhaps converting ideas which belong to the Sword into wealth which belongs to the Pentacle
The Magician serves as a reminder that opportunity needs to be created or at the very least a space for it to occur needs to be made before it can present itself, in other words you need to make space for the flower to grow before you waste water feeding it.
If you are feeling isolated for instance, a feeling which is firmly embedded in the emotional domain, the prompt is to consider how the other domains are reinforcing this feeling. What space are you making in your life for the opportunity to connect with others to occur? How often do you meet new people? What physical steps do you take to create the opportunity to meet someone? For example, how often do you leave the house and interact with others, or if you are unable to do so then how often do you engage with online communities where other people have the potential to communicate with you? How might a person come across your presence online by chance?
In contemplation of these questions you assume the role of the Magician and seek the means to transform desires and realise their potential.
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